Our Readers are invited to submit articles for 2022 Issues of the Scientific Review of the Romanian Distribution Committee – „Romanian Distribution Committee Magazine”.
Articles may be written by individuals or co-authored, the full responsibility for all written information in the article belonging to the authors. Original articles, opinion pieces, research studies are welcomed.
The theme of these 2022 issues will be in accordance with our “4 R(e)” initial message: Rethink, Revise, Replan, Re-innovate in a better business environment, in a better world, our world.
You are welcome to choose your own topics.
August 15, 2022 FOR VOLUME 13, ISSUE 3
November 15, 2022 FOR VOLUME 13, ISSUE 4
February 15, 2022 FOR VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1
BY E-mail at office@crd-aida.ro -Or- crd.rcdaida@yahoo.com-OR-irina.purcarea@gmail.com (IRINA PURCAREA)
Irina Purcarea is responsible for submissions to the Romanian Distribution Committee Magazine
Our readers do know our high expectations regarding the necessity of maturing the interdisciplinary dialogue and becoming architects of the conversation that generates responsible action, despite the vulnerability towards the way in which „choices” are described. In such a challenging context, it is highly needed that the minds are open and spirits are raised, building a character capitalism, watching the public interest, escaping from the actual confusion by assuming a set of beliefs as a foundation to the future practical and professional action, creating competences as well as proper representation of reality.
Special attention is paid to promoting the interest of countries that have joined the European Union in the last decade and to underline the opportunities for improving the activities allowing a faster reduction of disparities, including the inequalities of positive knowledge distribution at European and World level, a real engine of social evolution and as a core value of the economy, verified by humanitarian civilization. In this respect, the revise of the cooperation manner is welcomed in order to enable identifying ways to improve the partnership aimed at reducing the disparities.
Article requirements:
Article’s size: 3-4 pages for original articles; 2-3 pages for case presentations; 1-2 pages for book reviews, summaries from magazines, information concerning business activity and various scientific meetings;
Short guidelines for writing (in Times New Roman 12) the article(articles will be invariably divided according to international standard): abstract; key words, which will not repeat any of the words in the title; tables, figures and their interpretations; references (numbered according to the order in which they appear and in the following order: name, surname, title of the article, source, year of publication, volume, first page, last page of the source); international accepted abbreviations will be used