On June 9, 2001, on the occasion of the Jubilee Session with the topic “Engineers’ managerial training. Traditions and perspectives”, held at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB is the oldest and most prestigious engineering school in Romania, with a tradition of more than 190 years), we had the honor and pleasure of making known our views regarding knowledge imperatives at the level of the relation engineer – manager (http://www.crd-aida.ro/originsvocation/cu-ocazia-desfasurarii-la-universitatea-politehnica-din-bucuresti-9-06-2001-sesiunii-jubiliare-cu-tema-%e2%80%9epregatirea-manageriala-inginerilor-traditii-si-perspective-%e2%80%9d-crd-si-a-facut/ ). At that time, Professor Dr. Eng. Ioan Dumitrache served as Rector of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, where he also served as Deputy Dean (1976-1984) and Dean (1984-1990) of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science.
Time passes, is changing things, and remains (to paraphrase Rabelais) the father of truth. And now we are happy to have the opportunity to make some comments on the recent “Semi Centenary Celebration of the UPB Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science”. This recent significant event, hosted by the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science (http://www.upb.ro/en/the-faculty-of-automatic-control-and-computer-science.html ) at the impressive Research Center for Innovative Smart Products, Processes, and Services “PRECIS” (whose research activities covers cutting edge scientific research and technological transfer for a new generation of ITC products, processes and services, with a main focus on industry and health sector), confirmed that this kind of celebrations are a great way also to discover changes that have taken place, to reconnect with friends and peers, and to contribute to academic life, culture and tradition.
Participants were welcomed back to the UPB Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science by Dean Professor Adina Magda Florea (a former Fellow Graduate) – who gave a brief update of how the Faculty has developed over the last 50 years – also being congratulated by Professor Ecaterina Andronescu, UPB Senate President.
Other distinguished speakers – such as: Professor Emeritus Ioan Dumitrache; Professor Nicolae Ţăpuş (Vice President of UPB Senate); Academician Florin Filip (a former Fellow Graduate); Minister of Public Consultation and Social Dialogue, Gabriel Petrea (a former Fellow Graduate); CEO of UEFISCDI, Professor Adrian Curaj (a former Fellow Graduate); Professor Emeritus Mircea Petrescu – shared with the audience their thoughts and insights within this special framework.
But as a picture worth a thousand words, we invite you to take a look at some significant moments from this special event.